EVOLUTION International

Heavy Metals


Bio Chlorella Algen 1000 Tabletten

Reinigung, Immunsystem, Schwermetalle

Chlorella Vulgaris ist eine einzellige smaragdgrüne Süßwasser-Mikroalge. Unsere Bio Chlorella Algen sind Bio-zertifiziert, können täglich eingenommen werden und enthalten keine Zusatzstoffe wie Aromen oder Bindemittel.

zum Labortest

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47,00 €
instead of 59,00 €
1000 Tabletten
Item no. 1044SA

CLEANSING CURE for 30 days

1. Cleansing 2. Detoxifying 3. Eliminating

Simple and short period of use are the special features of this very effective CLEANSING CURE. The set consists of Natural Mineral Complete Powder, Terra Gold capsules and Quinta Essentia drops. With a pack of CLEANSING CURE, you are buying a course lasting for a period of 30 days. The course can of course be repeated as often as desired. Easy to use in every day routine. 100% natural Vegan and vegetarian




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95,00 €
1 x Terra Gold 120 capsules, 1 x Natur mineral powder 150g, 1 x Quinta Essentia 21, 50 ml
Item no. 300

SCH Complex 4 Cardinal Tincture

Heavy metals, burdens, connective tissue

Complex with 12 bio-active contents from fruit, vegetables and herbs for heavy metal overload and detoxification, for connective tissues. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.

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48,00 €
Item no. 3504

L-glutathione reduced

L-glutathione, cellulose powder

PROTECTS AND DETOXIFIES: L-glutathione detoxifies and protects mitochondria and supports the liver while removing damaging substances such as heavy metals. Cell protection – detoxification – prevention Strengthens the immune system

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35,00 €
60 Vegi Caps
Item no. 355

Natur Mineral Complete Powder

Acids bases household, joints, cardiovascular, skin, sports, muscle, figure

Natur Mineral Complete is the easiest way to supply the body regularly with natural alkaline minerals as supplement. The premium mixture contains over 74 minerals and vital elements in ionised form and can therefore be quickly and easily absorbed by the body and used for the regulation of the acid-base balance. This way it contributes towards well-being through de-acidification.

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38,00 €
Item no. 113

Terra Gold Powder

Mineral complex for supporting bowel cleansing, obesity and therapeutic fasting.

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28,00 €
400g for 1 month
Item no. 111

Formel LE 5

Liver and gall bladder, pancreas

LE 5 the hepatobiliary formula with milk thistle, artichoke, turmeric, wormwood and dandelion

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32,00 €
60 VegiCaps
Item no. 361

Organic Chlorella algae

Cleansing, immune system, heavy metals

Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a single-celled emerald-green freshwater microalgae. Particularly outstanding is their ability to help the organism in the binding of pollutants from air, water and food. Chlorellin is a probiotic and promotes the growth of physiological bacteria for the regeneration of the intestinal flora.

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28,00 €
350 tablets
Item no. 1046

Amino 8 Complex

stress, regeneration, immune system

Amino 8 contains 8 essential amino acids and is a premium source of protein. Ideal for active and athletic people. Quick resorption. NNU value 99%. Increases energy, power and performance, accelerates regeneration. Promotes fat loss. Decreased stress levels.

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39,00 €
180 capsules
Item no. 100

Omega 3 forte EPA 400/ DHA 300

Cardiovascular, blood vessels, eyes

Valuable omega-3 fatty acids rich in EPA and DHA & Vitamin E. High-dosage EPA 400 mg and DHA 300mg per capsule. Best fish oil Totox value of 3–5. The fish oil is sustainably made from wild caught anchovies, cleaned and is free from heavy metals.

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45,00 €
instead of 53,00 €
90 capsules
Item no. 1052SA

VitAge 120® Active capsules

Energy kick, cell protection, basic care for every day

Daily care is an important aspect of maintaining good health. VitAge 120® Aktiv Capsule–the daily basic supply of vital and cell protecting nutrients. Anti-ageing and all-round care with just one capsule a day.

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69,00 €
90 capsules
Item no. 115

SAMe 200 S-Adenosyl-Methionin

Mood, nervous system, joints, psyche

All-round talent for psyche, nerves, joints and metabolism. The "SAMe 200" capsules provide the daily "feel-good effect" and make a valuable contribution to the overall well-being. An enteric-coated capsule shell provided improved intestinal absorption.

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39,00 €
60 capsules
Item no. 347

Koriander Tinktur

Ausleitung, Verdauung, Magen

Unterstützend bei Schwermetallbelastungen und Ausleitungen. Hilfreich bei Magen,Darm und Migräne Problemen.

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26,00 €
Item no. 3119

Ground Ivy Tincture

Liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestine, kidney, bronchus

Ground ivy stimulates the entire metabolism. Used mainly to support in stomach upset with diarrhoea, gall bladder, liver, kidney ailments. Strengthens the immune and defence system generally. The ivy can be used even for coughs with thick mucus. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.

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40,00 €
Item no. 3015

Karde Komplex

Stoffwechsel, Borrelien, Haut

Hat eine stark reinigende Wirkung und unterstützt die Ausscheidung. Stärkt das Immunsystem.

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28,00 €
Item no. 3118

Löwenzahn Tinktur

Niere, Leber, Stoffwechsel

Gilt als Freund der Leber & Galle, Niere & Blase. Ideal bei Frühjahrs- und Herbstkuren. Unterstützend bei vielen Zivilisationsproblemen. Stärkend.

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26,00 €
Item no. 3121

Schwarze Walnuss Tinktur

Parasiten, Darm, Blutdruck

Die ursprünglich auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent heimische Schwarznuss wird traditionell zur Reinigung von Blut und Darm verwendet. Natürliche Hilfe bei Parasiten und Pilzbefall.

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26,00 €
Item no. 3138


Die Natur schenkt den Menschen besondere Kräuter wie die Zistrose, welche seit Jahrhunderten traditionell angewendet werden.

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28,00 €
Item no. 3145