EVOLUTION International

Jet lag

Jod 450 L-Tyrosin-Kelp Komplex

Schilddrüse, Energie, Nervensystem

Ideale Kombination aus L-Tyrosin, Kelpalge und Kaliumjodid. Jodgehalt: 450 μg. Trägt zur Produktion von Schilddrüsenhormonen und zu einer normalen Schilddrüsenfunktion bei. Unterstützt den Energiestoffwechsel, das Nervensystem und die Haut.

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33,00 €
60 Kapseln
Item no. 368

Melatonin Komplex

Schlaf, Nerven, Wohlbefinden

Melatonin steuert den Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus des menschlichen Körpers. Melatonin Komplex Kapseln enthalten zusätzlich Magnesium, Melisse-, Hopfen-, Lavendel- und Passionsblumenextrakt. Es trägt zu einem erholsamen Schlaf bei und unterstützt die Regeneration von Körper und Nerven.

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24,00 €
60 Kapseln
Item no. 169

SAMe 200 S-Adenosyl-Methionin

Mood, nervous system, joints, psyche

All-round talent for psyche, nerves, joints and metabolism. The "SAMe 200" capsules provide the daily "feel-good effect" and make a valuable contribution to the overall well-being. An enteric-coated capsule shell provided improved intestinal absorption.

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39,00 €
60 capsules
Item no. 347

Gold Essence

Psyche, immune system, nerves, skin

Gold Essence gives the life force of the masculine foundation principle, the sun. Its influence is energy, vigour, vitality, healing and vitalisation. Gold Essence can harmonise the energetic organism according to the alchemic chakra teachings. As a carrier of the sun's principles, it brightens up the emotions and mind and increases the spirit's vitality. Supports mental- spiritual development Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus. Planet energy: Sun

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35,00 €
Item no. 1400

Silver Essence

Psyche, stomach, intestines, nerves, endocrine system, cleansing, skin

Silver Essence communicates the life force of the feminine foundation, the moon. Its influence is rhythm, regeneration, growth, sensitivity, fertility, reproduction and generally all constructive processes. Silver essence serves as an energetic support for increasing charisma, sexual attraction and a sense of loyalty. It is calming and balancing. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.

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35,00 €
Item no. 1401

L-Tyrosine Iodine Complex

Energy, concentration, iodine deficiency

Natural iodine from kelp. Fuel for more energy. Concentration, tiredness, weight gain, iodine deficiency.

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20,00 €
60 Vegi Caps
Item no. 365

NADH 20 Active Plus Complex

Energy, pro-aging, skin, immune system, nerves, antioxidants

Broschüre NADH Programm (Deutsch)

MORE ENERGY FOR LIFE More quick energy, better regeneration Quick energy for body and mind, anti-ageing and regeneration

NADH Programm Broschüre (in German)

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75,00 €
60 Vegi Caps
Item no. 351

Q10 forte Complex

Cardiovascular, antioxidant, immune system, energy, liverBroschüre Coenzym Q10

Would you like to recharge your batteries and maintain your performance level into old age?
In addition, activating the immune system, strengthening the cardiovascular system and even increasing fat burning?

Coenzyme Q10 brochure (german)

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59,00 €
60 capsules
Item no. 1231