EVOLUTION International

Liver & Gall Bladder

Quinta Essentia 21®

Belastungen, Bindegewebe, Säuren-Basen-Haushalt

Unsere Gesundheit hängt ganz wesentlich davon ab wie gut unsere Ausscheidungsorgane funktionieren.
Kommt es zu Störungen der Ausscheidungsvorgänge belasten wir unseren Organismus.

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48,00 €
100 ml
Item no. 126


Leber, Galle, Verdauung

Diese Leber-Kur entlastet die Leber und unterstützt ihre Tätigkeit. Außerdem puscht sie Energie!

Wir empfehlen zusätzlich das kostenlose und praxisnahe Begleitwebinar "Leber stärken und entlasten".

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123,00 €
Formel LE-5 60 Kapseln + SCH-Komplex 4 100ml + L-Glutathion reduziert 60 Kapseln + Leber Fit Tee 50g
Item no. 312

Formel LE 5

Liver and gall bladder, pancreas

LE 5 the hepatobiliary formula with milk thistle, artichoke, turmeric, wormwood and dandelion

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32,00 €
60 VegiCaps
Item no. 361

L-glutathione reduced

L-glutathione, cellulose powder

PROTECTS AND DETOXIFIES: L-glutathione detoxifies and protects mitochondria and supports the liver while removing damaging substances such as heavy metals. Cell protection – detoxification – prevention Strengthens the immune system

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35,00 €
60 Vegi Caps
Item no. 355

Curcuma Extract 95%

Immune system, joints, bones, digestion, skin, hair, nails, cleansing, stomach, bowel, liver, gall bladder

Curcuma Broschüre

The high-quality EVOLUTION Curcuma Extract capsules contain pure, natural turmeric with a minimum of 95% curcumin plus black pepper.

"Curcuma Broschüre" (in german)

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33,00 €
60 capsules
Item no. 346

Natur Mineral Complete Powder

Acids bases household, joints, cardiovascular, skin, sports, muscle, figure

Natur Mineral Complete is the easiest way to supply the body regularly with natural alkaline minerals as supplement. The premium mixture contains over 74 minerals and vital elements in ionised form and can therefore be quickly and easily absorbed by the body and used for the regulation of the acid-base balance. This way it contributes towards well-being through de-acidification.

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38,00 €
Item no. 113

Quinta Essentia 21

Acids-base balance, strains, connective tissue

Cardinal tincture with 21 fresh plants for purification, de-acidification and general cleansing. Quinta Essentia helps to neutralise excess deposits, environmental toxins, fungi and other strains as well as with releasing and eliminating acids and deposits and normalising the acid-base balance. Basic bitterns help in digestion, activate glands, clean and make blood, enhance defence mechanism, and scaffold tissues. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.

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28,00 €
Item no. 125

REI Complex 2 Cardinal Tincture

Cleansing, intestines, strengthening

Complex with 13 bio-active contents from fruit, vegetables and herbs for bowel cleansing and strengthening. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.

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48,00 €
Item no. 3502

Mariendistel Tinktur

Leber, Stoffwechsel, Lymphe

Die Bitterstoffe der Mariendistel unterstützen Leber und Galle. Stimuliert die Regulationsfähigkeit.

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25,00 €
Item no. 3123

MSM Enzyme

Antioxidant / skin

MSM is an active organic sulfur compound that is readily absorbed by the body. It has an antioxidant effect, increases the excretion of toxins and parasites from the cells, reduces inflammation and pain. Important for connective tissues, cartilage, collagen, hair, skin and nails. Relieves rheumatism and allergic reactions. Supports skin regeneration and wound healing. Metabolic waste is disposed of and new cells built. The natural enzymes from pineapple and papaya help digestion and fat burning.

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25,00 €
90 capsules
Item no. 1042

Q10 forte Complex

Cardiovascular, antioxidant, immune system, energy, liverBroschüre Coenzym Q10

Would you like to recharge your batteries and maintain your performance level into old age?
In addition, activating the immune system, strengthening the cardiovascular system and even increasing fat burning?

Coenzyme Q10 brochure (german)

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59,00 €
60 capsules
Item no. 1231

CLEANSING CURE for 30 days

1. Cleansing 2. Detoxifying 3. Eliminating

Simple and short period of use are the special features of this very effective CLEANSING CURE. The set consists of Natural Mineral Complete Powder, Terra Gold capsules and Quinta Essentia drops. With a pack of CLEANSING CURE, you are buying a course lasting for a period of 30 days. The course can of course be repeated as often as desired. Easy to use in every day routine. 100% natural Vegan and vegetarian




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95,00 €
1 x Terra Gold 120 capsules, 1 x Natur mineral powder 150g, 1 x Quinta Essentia 21, 50 ml
Item no. 300

VitAge 120® Active capsules

Energy kick, cell protection, basic care for every day

Daily care is an important aspect of maintaining good health. VitAge 120® Aktiv Capsule–the daily basic supply of vital and cell protecting nutrients. Anti-ageing and all-round care with just one capsule a day.

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69,00 €
90 capsules
Item no. 115

SAMe 200 S-Adenosyl-Methionin

Mood, nervous system, joints, psyche

All-round talent for psyche, nerves, joints and metabolism. The "SAMe 200" capsules provide the daily "feel-good effect" and make a valuable contribution to the overall well-being. An enteric-coated capsule shell provided improved intestinal absorption.

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39,00 €
60 capsules
Item no. 347

SCH Complex 4 Cardinal Tincture

Heavy metals, burdens, connective tissue

Complex with 12 bio-active contents from fruit, vegetables and herbs for heavy metal overload and detoxification, for connective tissues. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.

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48,00 €
Item no. 3504

Beifuß Tinktur, einjährig

Magen, Darm, Hormonsystem

Stärkt das Immunsystem und unterstützt den Körper bei Viren- Bakterien- und Pilzbelastungen. Reinigt Magen und Darm.

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28,00 €
Item no. 3105

Brennnessel Tinktur

Stoffwechsel, Erschöpfung, Allergie

Unterstützt den Stoffwechsel und wird gerne auch als Frühjahrs- und Herbstkur eingesetzt. Fördert die Blutbildung und aktiviert das Energiesystem des Körpers.

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25,00 €
Item no. 3106

He Shou Wu Tinktur

Vitalität, Anti Aging, Leber

He Shou Wu hilft die Nieren- und Lebertätigkeit zu normalisieren, steigert die Vitalität und wirkt dem Alterungsprozess entgegen.

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32,00 €
Item no. 3114

Hops Tincture

Nerves, liver, bile, stomach

Mainly three directions of action are characteristic to hops. First they boost the appetite with the tannins and bitter substances, they are calming in case nervous excitement, help in conditions of difficulty in falling asleep and mild depression and finally they stimulate the period. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.

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40,00 €
Item no. 3017

Löwenzahn Tinktur

Niere, Leber, Stoffwechsel

Gilt als Freund der Leber & Galle, Niere & Blase. Ideal bei Frühjahrs- und Herbstkuren. Unterstützend bei vielen Zivilisationsproblemen. Stärkend.

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26,00 €
Item no. 3121

Neem Tinktur

Immunsystem, Haut, antiviral

In der ayurvedischen Medizin ist der Neembaum von großer Bedeutung. Vor allem bei Hautproblemen, Parasitenbelastungen aber auch bei Magen, Darm- und Leberschwäche.

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28,00 €
Item no. 3127

Schafgarbe Tinktur

Niere, Blase, Venen

Die Schafgarbe ist als Allheilmittel mit der Kamille zu vergleichen. Sie hilft bei Blasen- oder Nierenschwäche, bei Magenschwäche, Bauchschmerzen, Regelstörungen und hormonellen Dysbalancen.

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25,00 €
Item no. 3136

Schisandra Tinktur

Rekonvaleszenz, Aphrodisiakum, Stress

Adaptogenes pflanzliches Stärkungsmittel. Die Schisandra-Beere wird in der chinesischen Medizin für viele gesundheitliche Anliegen vor allem zur Stärkung eingesetzt.

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25,00 €
Item no. 3137